To make buying and selling authentic sneakers as easy as possible. Here at ONFEET, we pride ourselves in providing the best user experience to buyers and sellers. We are always looking for new ways to improve our platform. Our platform is currently Europe exclusive, we plan to expand globally so everyone can have access to the best marketplace for authentic sneakers.
Ever since we made our very first purchase, we always had a great passion for collecting sneakers. Over the years, we have seen a big rise in counterfeit sneakers. This has proven to be a massive threat to the sneaker market. We launched ONFEET to give buyers and sellers the highest level of security when buying and selling authentic sneakers.
Our core value is transparency. We make sure information is accessible to everyone, so that means no hidden fees or false advertisement. One of our other values is acccountability. We understand the importance of holding ourselves accountable when something goes wrong on our end. We a have a dedicated support team to make sure any issues are resolved as soon as possible.
© ONFEET Copyright 2023